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Jim Roberts seeks role models for future generations
ST. JOSEPH — St. Joseph business owner Jim Roberts has a small sign in his office that has a big meaning in his life – “Pay It Forward.’’
Emerge Innovation Hub hands out $47,000 in grants during ‘PitchNight’
Five local businesses were cumulatively granted more than $47,000 at EmergeInnovation Hub’s third annual “Pitch Night”. This year, Emerge partnered with the Women’s Business Center at Cornerstone Alliance and Whirlpool Corp. or the “Shark Tank” styled event where winners are granted money toward their business.
Emerge Innovation Hub PitchFest set for Tuesday night
Coming up Tuesday night, October 21, 12 entrepreneurs will compete for connections and investment by pitching their business ideas at the Emerge Innovation Hub’s fourth annual PitchFest in Benton Harbor.
Governor appoints Emerge CEO to Black Leadership Advisory Council
A St. Joseph community leader has been appointed to serve on Governor Whitmer’s Black Leadership Advisory Council.
Mentoring Program Coming in April
Starting in April, the Emerge Innovation Hub will offer monthly peer-to-peer mentoring events that will allow local entrepreneurs to develop their skills while discussing their business plans with successful entrepreneurs.
Emerge 2023 Fellows Program Cohort
They’ll be participating in our year-long program. The five Fellows will receive one-on-one business mentoring, monthly meetings, and will receive $10,000 in technical Assistance towards their business.